Below are 10 specific ways you can pray for Israel today. For a complete list of suggested prayer topics, explore the resources available on the DPPJ website.
1. Restoration and Reconciliation – Pray for:
- Jewish people in Israel and throughout the world to be restored and reconciled to God through faith in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah
- God to continue restoring the Land of Israel and that the nation will recognize that this is from His hand, not their own efforts
- Reconciliation between Jewish and Christian people, Jewish and Arab people – in the Land of Israel and all over the world
2. Watchmen – – Pray for:
- God to raise up “watchmen” in each nation of the world who are dedicated to praying for Israel and the Jewish people
- Houses of prayer worldwide to develop a heart to pray for Israel and the Jewish people
- Growth in strategic prayer for Israel today around the world
3. Peace and Protection – Pray for:
- Guidance and wisdom for Israeli and world leaders pursuing peace for Israel
- Protection from the plans of Israel’s natural and spiritual enemies
- All involved would recognize that true peace will only come from God
4. Fighting Terror, Radical Islam and Jihad – Pray for:
- All terror plots to be exposed and stopped
- The terror groups themselves to disintegrate from within and people trapped in them to encounter the true and living God who loves them
- Guidance for Israeli police, military and security forces in their efforts to stop the violence
- Emotional, psychological and physical healing for victims of terrorism
5. Fair and Honest Media Coverage – Pray for:
- Clarity for the media to report fully and accurately about Israel today and the Middle East conflict
- Exposure of imbalanced reporting, and coverage of the true Palestinian refugee story and misconceptions about “Palestine”
6. Fighting Anti-Semitism – Pray for:
- Exposure of anti-Semitism whenever and wherever it occurs and that it would no longer be tolerated or minimized
- Believers throughout the world to speak up against anti-Semitism and to defend the Jewish people
- Increased growth and engagement in pro-Israel prayer initiatives on college campuses
7. Israel’s Leaders – Pray for:
- Wisdom and integrity for all of Israel’s leaders including Prime Minister Netanyahu, members of the Knesset (ruling body) and Israeli Defense Forces
- God’s guidance on how to specifically address relations and situations arising with the Palestinians, neighboring Arab nations, Iran and other countries with radical Islamic ideology
8. Israel’s Children and Youth – Pray for:
- Strengthening of families in Israel today to guard children against the world’s temptations
- Young people in Israel – both male and female – to turn to God as they prepare for their mandatory military service, cope with terror incidents, and heal from loss
9. The Needy, Forgotten and Vulnerable in Israel – Pray for:
- Care and healing for the broken, vulnerable or needy in Israel – including elderly Holocaust survivors, struggling immigrants and the homeless
- Aid, sustenance and wholeness for the forgotten, overlooked, discarded or misjudged
10. Strong Alliance between America and Israel – Pray for:
- Continuing support of U.S. leaders to courageously stand as allies with Israel and speak out to protect Israel’s rights
- Increased support for Israel among members of Congress and the general public