We Should Pray For …
President Trump, Vice President Pence, and the Trump Administration
The 116th Congress and the upcoming 116th Congress
The 2019 Supreme Court
One another
Revival and renewal in our nation
Forgiveness for our individual and national sins
Forgiveness for our self-sufficiency and pride
Godly wisdom and courage for our leaders
Christian faithfulness to participate in government, preach about government, and pray for government
Christian leaders to find favor among men
Christians to have an excellent spirit
A return to national righteousness
A return to our Biblical foundation
Safety, security, protection and prosperity
Godly influences in our churches, our communities, our cities, our states, and our nation
Christians to be faithful and fervent in humble, repentant, expectant prayer
Christians to be filled with the Spirit
Christians to be bold in our witness
Christians to be strong in our stand
State governments, local governments, and school boards
Courts and judges at all levels
Our military, law enforcement, and first responders
Our nation’s teachers and students
Recognition of God’s preeminence in our lives and in our land
A mix of Christian grace and truth
Christian excellence in all areas of our society
Key leaders to accept Christ as their Savior
Appreciation for our national Christian heritage
The unborn
Strong Christian marriages and families
God’s mercy and postponed rightful judgment
Encouraged, equipped, and involved Christians
Proper Christian citizenship that includes regular and fervent prayer and fasting
Religious liberty and the free exercise of religion
Persecuted Christians
A change in our national spirit so God can change our national direction
Selflessness and Christian community
Bible preaching churches, pastors and missionaries
Our responsibility to a Christian heritage
Appreciation for a nation formed, blessed and prospered by God’s power
The healing of our land
A miraculous moving of God in twenty-first century America
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation and Mikey Weinstein